Most people join the military to serve their country and transform themselves. Many of them will only serve four to eight years and then choose to pursue another path. A majority are unique; they are driven, they ask good questions and solve complex problems. A few might see themselves as military entrepreneurs.

Their military leaders would love to retain them, but the current culture doesn’t support their insatiable thirst for purpose and personal achievement.

I refer to these veterans as “round pegs” for square holes; eventually they realize they no longer fit the military mold- at least not for the long haul. While the notion of transitioning out of the military and landing a great job off the bat isn’t impossible; it requires a unique approach.

My name is Dan Evans, I am an active duty Marine and a round peg. After an 11+ year military career, I am ready to begin the next chapter. I have a profound love for my country and gratitude for the opportunity I have had to serve. My family and I have been blessed with experiences that one could only dream of… but my heart longs to do more. I know I’m not alone, and so, a new vision was born.

By steph_evans_ “Always a good day when we get to visit our BFF and favorite #Marine 😍😘 #BostonEvans”

A photo posted by Dan Evans (@evansdanielj) on

Over the last year, I’ve taken an interest in other “round pegs”; the veterans who are making a big difference in the world. Many of them are entrepreneurs; some are intrapreneurs- innovators working inside companies creating new products and services. I’m on a mission to connect the dots; reduce the learning curve and mentor like-minded vets who wish to do the same.

It’s time to get cracking on my 2015 #goals! #onedayatatime ===========================

A photo posted by Dan Evans (@evansdanielj) on

As the sole provider for a family of five, including three young children- I knew I needed to thoughtfully plan and prepare for what lies ahead. Then another thought… if I’m going to invest the time and energy in seeking out this wisdom, I have a duty to share it with others aspiring to make a difference.

Dan Evans & Family

Dan Evans & Family

This is how the Military Entrepreneur Show was conceived. My work is centered around learning from those who made the military to entrepreneur transition. The show is a platform to unpack those success stories; building a community of veterans helping veterans. If we can apply their proven strategies while building meaningful relationships in the process; together, we’ll make great things happen. In the military, we have a saying “Never leave a man (or woman) behind” and my mission aligns with this doctrine.

I believe the best years are ahead of us and those who have worn the uniform defending our freedom will play an increasing role in shaping our future.

Look for future episodes on iTunes and YouTube

*This post originally appeared on SocialBeards